CONALT® Alvikid Calcium Liquid 150 Ml
150 ML
- Помогает при проблемах с развитием костей
- Поддерживает проблемы со здоровьем зубов
- Помогает при задержке роста
- Помогает при мышечных судорогах и спазмах
- Помогает при проблемах с нервной системой
- Помощь при эмоциональных и поведенческих проблемах
- Помогает при сердечно-сосудистых заболеваниях
Почему CONALT® Alvikid Calcium Liquid ?
CONALT® Alvikid Calcium Liquid — это продукт, специально разработанный для детей. Его содержание калия обеспечивает надежный вариант, уменьшая образование камней в почках. Этот продукт не только удовлетворяет потребности детей в кальции, но и предотвращает накопление кальция в почках. Таким образом, он помогает вам сделать важный шаг для будущего здоровья детей, поддерживая их здоровое развитие.
Кальций крайне важен для здорового развития костей и зубов у детей. Недостаточное его потребление может привести к остеопорозу и другим заболеваниям костей (Weaver et al., 2016).
Калий помогает уменьшить образование камней в почках. Достаточное потребление калия помогает предотвратить образование камней в почках за счет снижения выведения кальция с мочой (Wong et al., 2014).
Жидкий кальций поддерживает здоровый рост и развитие детей. Достаточное потребление кальция имеет решающее значение в этот критический период (Heaney, 2000).
Лаборатория CONALT® продолжает разрабатывать высококачественные и эффективные ингредиенты. Формулированный на основе научных исследований, CONALT® Alvikid Calcium Liquid является важной поддержкой для родителей в достижении целей здорового развития их детей.
Описание товара
CONALT® Alvikid Calcium Liquid has a balanced formula that strengthens bone and dental health during children’s growth and development periods. This product offers a rich combination of many essential minerals and vitamins, especially calcium. While it stands out for its effects on bone and dental health, the potassium content helps reduce the risk of calcium contributing to kidney stone formation.
- Magnesium Bisglycinate:
Magnesium plays a critical role in the contraction and relaxation cycle of muscles. Magnesium bisglycinate is a form that facilitates easier transport of magnesium into cells, allowing it to be more effectively used by muscle cells. Once inside the muscle cells, magnesium inhibits calcium from causing muscle contraction, allowing muscles to relax. This helps reduce muscle cramps and ensures balanced muscle function.
Magnesium is needed to regulate electrical transmission between nerve cells. Magnesium bisglycinate helps prevent over-excitation of nerve cells and balances nerve transmission, contributing to reduced stress. Magnesium deficiency can lead to excessive excitation of nerve cells, causing problems such as irritability, anxiety, and sleep disorders.
Magnesium aids the body in relaxation and supports melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep. The glycine component of magnesium bisglycinate helps calm the brain and nervous system, facilitating a smoother transition into sleep. - Potassium:
Potassium helps maintain the body’s electrolyte balance. By regulating fluid balance between cells, it ensures healthy muscle contractions. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, and fatigue. Potassium works as an electrolyte alongside sodium, regulating fluid balance inside and outside cells, which supports proper muscle function.
Potassium also helps the heart muscle contract healthily and regulates heart rhythm. It contributes to lowering blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels, which makes it easier for the heart to function and helps protect against cardiovascular problems such as hypertension. - Витамин D3:
Vitamin D3 enhances calcium absorption from the intestines, making it more available for the body to use. This ensures that bones remain strong and healthy. When calcium absorption is insufficient, the body starts drawing calcium from bones, leading to reduced bone density and conditions like osteoporosis. Vitamin D3 balances this process, helping prevent bone loss.
Vitamin D3 activates immune cells, enhancing the body’s defense against infections. It helps ensure proper functioning of the immune system, reducing the risk of infections. - Кальций:
Calcium is the primary building block of bones and teeth. The body’s calcium needs are stored in bones, and in case of deficiency, it draws calcium from bones, weakening them and making them prone to fractures. Adequate calcium intake strengthens the hardness and durability of bones.
Calcium is also crucial for muscle contractions. Signals from nerve cells trigger calcium to enter muscle cells, initiating muscle contraction. Adequate calcium levels are needed for proper muscle function and healthy contractions. - Медь:
Copper is essential for the production of collagen, a protein found in tissues such as skin, joints, cartilage, and blood vessels. Collagen provides strength and elasticity to tissues. Copper deficiency can lead to weakened tissues and loss of elasticity, accelerating signs of aging and compromising joint health.
Copper enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes that neutralize free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause oxidative stress in cells, leading to cell damage. Copper helps prevent this damage, keeping cells healthy and delaying aging. - Цинк:
Zinc is necessary for the production and function of immune cells. It plays a vital role in the division and function of immune cells, and zinc deficiency can leave the body vulnerable to infections. Zinc also accelerates cell regeneration and supports wound healing.
Zinc helps speed up the regeneration of skin cells, keeping the skin healthier and more vibrant. It also promotes faster wound healing. During this process, zinc contributes to the repair of skin cells and speeds up tissue regeneration.
Ingredient: Deionized Water, Stabilizer: Gliserol (E422), Magnesium Bisglycinate, Potassıum Citrate, Calcium Carbonate, Sweetener: Sugar, pH Regulator: Citric Acid, Flavor: Banana Flavor , Zinc Sulfate, Preservative: Sodium Benzoate (E 211), Potassium Sorbate (E 212), Cholecalciferol, Copper Sulfate,
Рекомендации по применению
For children aged 4 to 10 years, it is recommended to take 10 ml once daily, and for adults aged 11 and older, to take 10 ml twice daily.
Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Cannot be used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Food supplements cannot replace a normal nutrition. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor during pregnancy and lactation and case of illness or medication.

Производство CONALT основано на золотом сечении природы