● Kan dolaşımına katkıda bulunur.
● Beyin ve bilişsel fonksiyonlara katkıda bulunur.
● Damar sağlığının korunmasına katkıda bulunur.
● Kan basıncının düzenlenmesine katkıda bulunur.
● Kardiyovasküler sağlığa katkıda bulunur.
● Kan pıhtılaşmasının düzenlenmesine katkıda bulunur.
● Nörotropik faydalara katkıda bulunur.
● Antioksidan etkilere katkıda bulunur.
● Yaşa bağlı hastalıklara karşı korunmaya katkıda bulunur.
● Zihinsel yorgunluğun azaltılmasına katkıda bulunur.
● Diyabetik nöropati semptomlarının azalmasına katkıda bulunur.
● Bilişsel fonksiyona katkıda bulunur.
● Göz sağlığına katkıda bulunur.
● Anksiyete ve depresyon semptomlarının hafifletilmesine katkıda bulunur.
● Hafıza ve öğrenme etkilerine katkıda bulunur.

Neden CONALT® Ginkgo Biloba?

Neden CONALT® Ginkgo Biloba?

CONALT® Ginkgo Biloba, LAYN markasından yüksek kaliteli hammaddelerle, optimal oranlarda geliştirilmiş bir üründür. Her 80 mg formülde 19.2 mg Ginkgo Flavone glikozitleri () ve 4.8 mg Ginkgolid (terpen lakton, %6) bulunur. Bu bileşenler, ürünün etkinliğini artırarak, beyin, damar ve genel sağlık üzerindeki olumlu etkilerini destekler. Ayrıca, fonksiyonel tıptaki önemli rolü ve bilimsel olarak kanıtlanmış içeriği nedeniyle, insan sağlığı için değerli bir takviye olarak öne çıkar. Bu özellikler, CONALT® Ginkgo Biloba'yı sağlıklı yaşam desteği arayanlar için ideal bir seçenek yapmaktadır.

Ginkgo biloba'nın en önemli avantajlarından biri beyne giden kan akışını artırma yeteneğidir. Bu özellik hafızayı, konsantrasyonu ve genel zihinsel fonksiyonları desteklemeye yardımcı olur. Ayrıca, güçlü antioksidan içeriği sayesinde hücreleri serbest radikallerin zararlı etkilerinden korur. Ginkgo özellikle hafıza kaybı ve Alzheimer gibi yaşa bağlı hastalıkların riskini azaltma potansiyeli ile dikkat çekmektedir. Bu eşsiz kombinasyon onu alternatif tıpta popüler bir seçenek haline getirmektedir.

Bilimsel Çalışmalar ve Kaynaklar
Bilişsel Fonksiyon:
● Huang, W., et al. (2015). “Alzheimer hastalığında Ginkgo biloba'nın bilişsel fonksiyon üzerindeki etkinliği: Sistematik bir inceleme.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
● Link: Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Dolaşım Sağlığı:
● Cleveland Clinic (2020). “Ginkgo Biloba.” Health Essentials.
● Link: Cleveland Clinic
Antioksidan Etki:
● Pérez-Vizcaíno, F., et al. (2010). “Ginkgo biloba'nın farmakolojik özellikleri.” Pharmacological Reviews.
● Link: Pharmacological Reviews
Kaygı ve Depresyon:
● Vann, R., et al. (2013). “Kaygı tedavisi için Ginkgo biloba.” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
● Link: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Diabetik Nöropati:
● Bae, S. C., et al. (2014). “Diabetik periferik nöropatinin tedavisinde Ginkgo biloba ekstresinin etkinliği: Sistematik bir inceleme ve meta-analiz.” Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.
● Link: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

Ürün Açıklaması

Ürün Açıklaması

  • Ginkgo Flavone glycosides (24%) contained in the product promote the expansion of blood vessels by increasing blood flow in the body. These effects allow organs, especially brain cells, to receive more oxygen and nutrients. As a result, significant improvements in mental functions and overall health can be observed.
    ● These components regulate blood clotting and are known for their protective properties for nerve cells. Ginkgolides prevent damage to nerve cells due to aging or diseases, while also contributing to cognitive abilities by protecting brain health.
    ● The flavonoids in Ginkgo Biloba increase blood flow by dilating blood vessels. This dilation allows for greater transportation of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body, particularly critical organs such as the brain and heart. Improving circulation enhances overall energy levels, improving both physical and mental performance.
    ● Increased blood flow allows the brain to receive more oxygen, which enhances mental performance. The components of Ginkgo Biloba particularly boost acetylcholine levels, which support memory and learning processes. This mechanism helps prevent age-related memory loss and slows cognitive decline.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba preserves vascular health by increasing the elasticity of blood vessel walls. It helps prevent age-related arteriosclerosis, thereby reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Maintaining vascular health enhances overall health as well as physical performance.
    ● The dilated blood vessels due to Ginkgo Biloba facilitate the easier flow of blood, alleviating issues related to hypertension (high blood pressure) and helping to stabilize blood pressure. Lower blood pressure helps protect heart health and reduce the risk of heart attacks.
    ● Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, it helps prevent arteriosclerosis. The active components in Ginkgo Biloba support the health of heart muscles. Regular use can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by strengthening heart health, thus ensuring regular heartbeats.
    ● Ginkgolides reduce the risk of thrombosis by balancing the blood coagulation mechanism. This helps prevent the formation of clots in the vessels, thereby avoiding emergencies such as strokes or heart attacks.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba protects nerve cells, providing protection against neurological disorders. It particularly helps keep brain cells healthy and slows degeneration. The components within it support the repair of nerve cells, slowing the development of diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba contains strong antioxidant components that combat free radicals, preventing cellular damage. Reducing cellular damage slows the aging process and improves overall health.
    ● The anti-aging effects of Ginkgo Biloba help prevent the impacts of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases by reducing cellular damage, leading to a better quality of life for elderly individuals.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba supports mental functions, alleviating mental fatigue. The increase in oxygen to the brain helps maintain mental clarity and energy.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba aids in reducing symptoms of diabetic neuropathy by decreasing cyanide damage in diabetic patients. Protecting nerve cells leads to a reduction in symptoms such as pain and numbness.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba enhances cognitive performance by increasing acetylcholine levels. This effect enables learning and memory processes to occur more effectively.
    ● Ginkgo Biloba helps preserve vision by increasing blood flow to the eyes. It contributes to the prevention of vision problems, especially in elderly individuals. Thanks to its antioxidant effects, it prevents damage to eye cells, supporting long-term eye health.
    ● It helps balance neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Thus, it contributes to alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.
    ● With the effects of components like Huperzine A, Ginkgo Biloba increases acetylcholine levels, which play a critical role in the brain’s learning and memory processes. This mechanism strengthens memory formation and learning ability.


İçindekiler: Bulking Agent : Maltodextrin, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Capsule Component: Bovine Gelatin, Anti-caking Agent: Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids (E 470), Silicon Dioxide (E551)

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Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Cannot be used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Food supplements cannot replace a normal nutrition. Keep out of the reach of children.  Consult your doctor during pregnancy and lactation and case of illness or medication.