CONALT® Reneval
105 GR
● Dayanıklılığı artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Yorgunluk ve bitkinliğin azaltılmasına yardımcı olur
● Kas iyileşmesini hızlandırmaya yardımcı olur
● Kas yorgunluğunu azaltmaya yardımcı olur
● Performansı artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Laktik asidin parçalanmasına yardımcı olur
● Gücü ve patlayıcı performansı artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Kas kütlesini artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Antrenman hacmini artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Beyin fonksiyonlarını desteklemeye yardımcı olur
● Hızlı iyileşmeye yardımcı olur
● Enerji seviyelerini artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Stresle başa çıkmaya yardımcı olur
● Zihinsel performansı artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Kan akışını artırmaya yardımcı olur
● Genel sağlığın iyileştirilmesine yardımcı olur
Neden CONALT® Reneval?
CONALT® Reneval Powder is specifically formulated for fitness enthusiasts, professional athletes, and individuals with a busy work schedule. Developed with high-quality ingredients from the AMINATURE®
brand, backed by scientific research.
● Özel Formül: Performansı artıran ve iyileşmeyi destekleyen etkili bileşenler içerir.
● Pudra Formu: Kullanıcıların ihtiyaç duydukları dozajı ayarlamalarına olanak tanır ve kolayca karıştırılıp içilebilir.
● Kullanımı Kolay: Günlük sıvı alımına katkıda bulunan normal suyla kolayca karıştırılabilir.
● Hızlı Emilim: Pudra formu, bileşenlerin hızla emilmesini sağlar ve etkili sonuçlar elde edilmesine yardımcı olur.
● Geliştirilmiş Performans: Antrenman sırasında ve sonrasında enerji seviyelerini artırarak performansın gelişmesini destekler.
Bilimsel Çalışmalar ve Referanslar
- L-Citrulline:
○ Yazarlar: Pérez-Guisado, J., & Jakeman, J.R.
○ Çalışma: “Sitrülin malat takviyesi, atletik anaerobik performansı iyileştirir ve şiddetli kas yorgunluğundan iyileşmeyi kolaylaştırır.”
○ Kaynak: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2010. - Creatine:
○ Yazarlar: Kreider, R.B., ve diğerleri.
○ Çalışma: “Egzersiz ve spor beslenmesi incelemesi: Araştırmalar ve öneriler.”
○ Kaynak: Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 2010. - DL-Malate:
○ Yazarlar: Glen, J., ve diğerleri.
○ Çalışma: “Malatın kas metabolizması üzerindeki etkisi.”
○ Kaynak: Sports Medicine, 2015.
Genel Performans ve İyileşme:
○ Yazarlar: Coyle, E.F.
○ Çalışma: “Karbonhidrat ve dayanıklılık egzersizi.”
○ Kaynak: Journal of Sports Sciences, 1999.
Ürün Açıklaması
L-Citrulline DL-Malate (2:1)
• L-Citrulline increases nitric oxide production in the body, leading to vasodilation, which allows more oxygen-carrying blood to reach the muscles, enhancing aerobic endurance. DL-Malate supports the Krebs cycle, which is involved in energy production, enabling muscles to work longer.
• L-Citrulline accelerates the removal of fatigue-causing byproducts such as ammonia, preventing muscle fatigue. DL-Malate supports intracellular energy production, alleviating energy deficiency and reducing fatigue.
• L-Citrulline contributes to faster recovery by increasing the transport of oxygen and nutrients to muscles. DL-Malate supports recovery by meeting the energy demands of muscle cells.
• L-Citrulline reduces the accumulation of fatigue-causing substances such as ammonia and lactic acid in the muscles, while DL-Malate enhances cellular energy production, allowing muscles to work longer without tiring.
• L-Citrulline boosts blood flow to the muscles through increased nitric oxide production, improving strength and endurance to enhance performance. DL-Malate accelerates energy production, supporting performance during high-intensity workouts.
• L-Citrulline reduces the buildup of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue and pain, while DL-Malate helps break down this acid during energy metabolism, preventing its accumulation in the muscles.
• L-Citrulline delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles via increased nitric oxide production, enhancing performance in activities requiring explosive power. DL-Malate supports the production of rapid energy by speeding up cellular energy generation.
• L-Citrulline aids in muscle tissue repair and speeds up post-workout recovery, promoting muscle growth. DL-Malate creates an ideal environment for muscle development by supporting energy production during training.
• L-Citrulline transports more oxygen to the muscles, improving muscle endurance during training, while DL-Malate provides energy support, enabling extended high-intensity workouts.
• L-Citrulline boosts blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive functions, while DL-Malate supports energy metabolism, helping brain cells function more efficiently.
• L-Citrulline increases blood flow to muscles, accelerating recovery by delivering necessary nutrients faster. DL-Malate speeds up recovery by enhancing energy production.
• L-Citrulline increases nitric oxide production, providing muscles with more energy, while DL-Malate increases ATP production by participating in the Krebs cycle, raising cellular energy levels.
• L-Citrulline helps balance stress hormones through increased blood flow, while DL-Malate supports energy levels, making it easier to cope with both physical and mental stress.
• L-Citrulline improves cognitive function and attention span by increasing blood flow to the brain, while DL-Malate regulates energy metabolism, contributing to more efficient mental processes.
• L-Citrulline dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow through nitric oxide production, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach muscles, with DL-Malate providing energy support for this process.
• L-Citrulline supports cardiovascular health and helps eliminate toxins from the body, while DL-Malate enhances cellular energy production, supporting overall metabolic health.
Creatine Monohydrate
• Creatine increases phosphocreatine reserves, which produce more energy in muscles, particularly helping muscles remain more resilient during high-intensity exercises.
• Creatine delays signs of fatigue by providing more energy to muscles. The effective functioning of the phosphocreatine system allows energy needs to be met quickly, reducing fatigue.
• Creatine increases the water content in muscle cells, creating a favorable environment for muscle repair and growth, while also supporting faster recovery.
• Creatine supports energy production during training and prevents muscle fatigue, especially by accelerating energy production in explosive movements, delaying muscle fatigue.
• Creatine increases phosphocreatine reserves, meeting the demand for rapid and intense energy, enhancing performance, particularly in high-intensity workouts.
İçindekiler: Creatine Monohydrate, Citrulline Malate, Bulking Agent: Sorbitol (E420), Bulking Agent: Maltodextrin, Flavor: Orange Flavor, Anti-Caking Agent: Silicon Dioxide (E551), Sweetener: Sucralose (E950).
Önerilen Kullanım
For adults, it is recommended to take one (1) 1 scale once a day.
Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Cannot be used for the prevention or treatment of diseases. Food supplements cannot replace a normal nutrition. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor during pregnancy and lactation and case of illness or medication.